The simple-format Module

The simple-format module provides a subset of the functionality of the format, format-out, print, and standard-io modules, for programs that just need to do simple output to the console without pulling in the full IO library.

format-to-string Function

Returns a formatted string constructed from its arguments.


format-to-string format-string #rest format-arguments => string


This function signals an error of type <simple-error> if any of the format directives in format-string are invalid.


Returns a formatted string constructed from its arguments, which include a format-string of formatting directives and a series of format-arguments to be formatted according to those directives.

The format-string must be a Dylan format string as described on pages 112–114 of the DRM.

format-out Function

Formats its arguments to the standard output.


format-out format-string #rest format-arguments => ()


Formats its arguments to the standard output.

This function writes directly to the console using the underlying OS facilities rather than using the *standard-output* stream defined by the standard-io module in the IO library. For example, on Unix systems this writes to file descriptor 1 via the write C function.